LatestNewsPhotosVideo From the board | 3. March 2025Copenhagen Must Stand for Solidarity and Social Responsibility Match info | 21. February 2025We drew Chelsea From the board | 20. January 2025Football Seminar Focused on Fan Engagement and Debate Fan life | 19. January 2025The Women's Team's Capo Won Fan Award Match info | 17. January 2025No Away Trip to Heidenheim Fan life | 16. January 2025The Women's Team's Capo Nominated for Fan Award Match info | 3. January 2025Women's Match Schedule for Spring FCKFC | 16. December 2024Office and Online Shop Are on HolidayLoading content ...Loading content ...F.C. København Fan Clubs official members magazin in 32 yearSelected articlesBrølet #93The deaf lion Brølet #91Football cards worth a fortune Brølet #90Regular Behind the Scenes Brølet #86Michael Manniche: Top scorer. Champion. Legend. Join the debate onour discussion boardSIDELINIEN.DKOnline 23 yearsIn excess of 30.000 threadsMore than 600.000 postswell over 8000 usersDe korte linier 1 day 9 hours agoOptakts- og knockouttråd: Chelsea vs. F.C. København (13/3-2025 kl. 21:00)I morgen spilles 2. kamp i 1/8-finalerne af ECL.De korte linier 4 days 3 hours agoOptakts- og harviscorettråd: F.C. København vs Sønderjyske (9/3-2025 kl. 18:00)Hermed en meget sen optaktstråd til dagens kamp mod Sønderjyske.Bazar 1 week agoSælges: 1 billet til Chelsea Nedre CSolgt!Bazar 1 week agoSælger 2 billetter til Chelsea awaySolgtDe korte linier 1 week 1 day agoOptakts- og knockouttråd: F.C. København vs Chelsea (6/3-2025 kl. 18:45)På torsdag kommer "mægtige" Chelsea på besøg i Parken. Kampen starter tidligt - 18:45.Home & Away 1 week 5 days agoSøger billet til Nedre C - Chelsea kampHej,Jeg søger med lys og lygte efter en billet til nedre C til Chelsea kampenAround the fan club Player of the year Brølet On away with FCKFC The Young Lions FCKFC U18 Fractions831 wins, 344 draws and 348 losses in 1.523 matches against 186 clubs in 33 years. Powered by #fanlife Songs from the stands Fan radio Fan linksExplore our gallery containing 46.996 images in 1.495 albums as well as 125 videos.