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Put on the club jersey!

Put on the club jersey!

As football fans, we have in common that we love Danish football. We love the Superliga. We love the connection our club has to the local area and the rivalry it can help create with other Danish clubs.

Unfortunately, it is also a love that from time to time comes with a downside.

A few fans among us seem to have come under the misapprehension that the love for their club is something that can be measured by physically fighting fans of other clubs.

It's a sad and foolish trend that has been seen in several places in the country, to rob and threaten one's way to jerseys, scarves, and other merchandise from the fans of opposing teams.

As fans, we should be able to show our affiliation and love for our club wherever we go and not fear for our own safety because we wear the club's logo with pride.

To send a united message across the country, we therefore encourage, in collaboration with Black Wolves - FC Midtjylland's official fan club, all Danish football fans to wear their club jersey or club merchandise with pride in connection with the Superliga round this coming weekend.

We are here for the love of our club, not for the hatred of our opponents.