Tina Thorman

The charismatic capo of FCK's women's team brings dance joy and unique songs to the stands. Tina is not just a leader – she creates space for children and other voices that are otherwise rarely heard, read Tina's nomination for the DFF's award.

The Women's Team's Capo Won Fan Award

The women's team's capo won the Danish Football Fans' award forTribute of the Year.

The women's team's capo, Tina Thorman, received the Danish Football Fans' award for 'Tribute of the Year' on Saturday evening at the fan association's annual seminar.

It hasn't even been six months since the FCK women's team made their debut with enthusiastic support in the stands.

- Imagine standing here today with this huge recognition for what we've done for the women's team. Being part of this volunteer group has been a great adventure so far. We've worked together, made things happen, and already, it's been noticed out there, said an emotional Tina Thorman after the award ceremony.

Even though Tina and the other volunteers have already taken giant strides and created a wonderful atmosphere at the women's matches, they're just getting started on what they hope will also contribute to the growth of women's football in general.

- We will keep going and hope to inspire others across the country. Women's football has something truly special. It's close-knit and inclusive, and we have room for everyone, she emphasizes.

In addition to Tina, Sønderjyske Support Club was also nominated in the category.

You can read more about the Danish Football Fans Fan Awards here.